Monday, December 2, 2013

1,000 Subscribers/2013 Holiday Giveaway! Win a Free Amazon, iTunes, or Google Play Gift Card ($200 in Prizes Given Away!)

I've been wanting to do a giveaway on my YouTube channel for a while. I always think it's a nice way Youtubers to show their gratitude for all of their viewers and fans. Even with that in mind,  I kept putting it off. First it was 500 subscribers; "Aw, I can do it later". Than 750 subscribers, and the same reaction. It's not that I didn't want to do a giveaway it's just I always had other videos to make or school work to do.
Finally when I surpassed 1,000 subscribers I knew I had to the giveaway. Even so I put it off a little more, until eventually the fast approaching holiday season gave me yet another reason to do a giveaway, and to do it now. I posted a "Thank You for Getting Me To 1,000 Subscribers" video in which I asked my viewers what they would like to see me giveaway. Many people said headphones, tablets, GoPros, etc. but a lot of people also said they wanted a chance to win some gift cards. After reading all of the comments, I decided to go with the gift cards since they were likely to make the most people happy. My reasoning was that no matter what people wanted a gift card could probably go towards purchasing it.
And so it was decided. I bought the gift cards, filmed the video right before I had to head back to college (literally like an hour before I left), edited the video together (with an attempt to remove as many "ummmms" as possible) and uploaded it to YouTube. Now all that's left for me to do is wait. You, on the other hand, have a giveaway to enter ;)

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