Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cool Tech Gadgets, DSLR Accessories, and Other Innovative Projects You Might Want To Check Out On Kickstarter (April 30, 2014)

    Starting about 6 months ago I began really getting into backing projects on Kickstarter. As a tech enthusiast, I had known about Kickstarter for a while and even checked out some pretty cool projects, but I had never felt compelled enough to pull the trigger. That all changed with the Pressy Button for Android phones. It was a product that I could see myself using, it was innovative and creative, and above all it was affordably priced at below what they were planning on selling it for to the general public. This is ultimately one of the best things about Kickstarter; startups can get support for a new product and backers can get it for a discounted price (yeah I know I'm late to the party and everybody has already known this for like 5 years but whatever). Since popping my figurative Kickstarter cherry in the fall, I have gone wild, backing 11 total projects almost all of which were successful. Some of my favorite projects I backed were: The Pocket Drone and the Retro-Essential Brass & Wood Pen.
    I now regularly check Kickstarter's recently launched project page to see if there are any new and interesting projects which I might want to back. I decided to share some of these projects (my favorite of which is the Frankenspiel FS-X Bluetooth Speaker) so other people could benefit from my semi-recent obsession. If you have any questions, suggestions, or projects you think I should check out, please leave a comment or find me Facebook or Twitter.

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