Monday, February 2, 2015

GoPro 3+ 720p/120fps VS. GoPro 4 1080p/120fps: GoPro Slow Motion Comparison

Checkout the two videos below to see if you can see any difference in quality between the GoPro HERO 3+ and the GoPro HERO 4. While they are not the same video (and were actually filmed almost a year apart), they are very similar. I filmed them both at the same indoor track and field complex and both were set to the highest resolution that they could be at while still recording at 120 frames per second. Both GoPros were also set to Protune mode.

It's to say for sure which one produces better video quality, but after watching both of the videos, my initial reaction was that the GoPro 3+ was a little clearer. This would make sense because many people have been complaining about fuzziness when recording in 1080p at 120fps on the GoPro 4. Let me know what you think in the comments below or on my Facebook and Twitter.

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