Friday, September 12, 2014

Quick tips for getting started taking better photos with the Canon SX50-HS (Comment Questions)

Q: Could you tell me more about how to manage it or control for taking a great photo?

A: Definitely set it to the highest setting (megapixel wise). As far as what modes to use, manual will give you the most control, but takes a while and has a steep learning curve if you don't have much experience with cameras. Auto mode is suitable for most situations, but I would advise setting the flash to off as it isn't that good and tends to ruin pictures more than help them (unless it is really really dark). Use a tripod or something else to stabilize the camera when shooting in low light situations and look through the viewfinder when you are zooming in a lot. Also, one quick way to blur the background behind the subject you are trying to take a picture of is to step back and use the zoom. Hope this helps you take better photos!

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